Indie Creators - Let Us Help!

The QUARANTINE BOOK CLUB is happy to provide free advertising for indie authors, podcasters, and content creators. Yeah, you read that, buddy. Free!

Authors who fall into this category self-publish their books or distribute through a small press, and are largely responsible for all of their own funding, editing, and promotion.

Podcasters who fall into this category host their own work or are hosted by a small podcast service. They are responsible for their recording, editing, and promoting.

Content creators who fall into this category stream or create videos (such as on YouTube) that are generally related to reading, writing, or genre analysis.


Send us an e-mail at and introduce yourself and your work and/or content. The Quarantine Book Club reserves the right to deny advertising for books, podcasts, and content that are racist, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in intent and/or nature.


Attach a 30-second to 90-second promo audio clip for us to play on our podcast in .WAV or .MP3 form. Go wild! Have fun. Call us idiots. Be (playful!) jerks to us. Talk about your book or your content, where it can be purchased or experienced, and any of your own relevant contact information. Here’s a little bit of copy example:

“Hey, dorks of the Quarantine Book Club! If you’ve spend an hour listening to these knobs, then maybe you’ll listen to me, too. I’m Barkley Stevens, author of This Is My Book, and I’m here to tell you that regardless of your tastes, you’ll love my book — or you’ll hate it. It’s full of bad decisions, dumb baby-brains slinging magic, and oafs smacking swords at each other. If you’re into that kind of shit, then check out my website,, and follow me at @thisismybook on Twitter. Or don’t. Your decision, your loss, butt-brain.”

Make it fun, flashy, and good quality! Reduce background hum however possible and get as good and pop-free a recording as you can. If you need guidance on how, reach out! We can help.


We play it on an upcoming episode and tag you on social media to let you know. All we ask is that you share the podcast link and let the world know to listen out for your ad! We cannot guarantee that it will be immediately played. Once it’s played, we’ll enter it into an advertisement roulette — meaning it becomes eligible to be played on any upcoming episodes at random until you tell us otherwise.


There is no fourth step! That’s it. How can you return the favor? Drop a review, share us on social media, get your friends to listen, or whatever. Who cares, you know?